Thursday, January 21, 2010

Assignment TWO

This week you will be watching a very short video on the world's English MANIA. It is from a site that I really like called TED.COM, and I often watch videos on this site instead of watching TV!

Just click on the link, and then look at the bottom left side of your screen to turn on the subtitles in English. You can try to watch without subtitles the first time, but it is a GREAT idea to practice listening with subtitles in English so that you train your brain to understand the words being spoken. (Don't forget that you can watch a video while eating your lunch every Friday at 13:30 in the English classroom!)

After watching this video, explore the site and choose another video that you think will be interesting. Don't forget to turn on the subtitles!
I can't wait to hear what you think about the one I have chosen, and also the ones you choose to watch afterward!

Here is the link:

Jay Walker on the World's English Mania



Anonymous said...

I think that her idea on riconcile science and the arts is a very good idea, because the links between arts and science are very particular and the differences are very subtel. The speech was very involving though I had problems for listening it, because she spoke quikly; infact I listened to the video 2 times for understend. Now my mission is to learn english.


Anonymous said...

Hy teacher, I chose this video
In this video Ann Cooper says:
“I’m the director of nutrition services for the Berkeley unified school district. We needed to teach children the symbiotic relationship between a healthy planet, healthy food and healthy kids. We now live in a country where most of us dont’t decide what we eat. Now most school district can’t really afford orgnaic food, but we , as a nation, have to start thinking about consuming, growing and feeding our children food that’s not chocked full of chemicals. We can’t keep feeding our kids pesticides, herbicides and antibiotics. The results of that are kids getting sick.
70% of all antibiotics consumed in America is consumed in animal husbandry. We are feeding our kids antibiotics in beef and other animal protein every day. The antithesis of this whole thing is sustainable food. There is a lot of school actually getting fresch food into school. Now in Berkeley we have gone totally fresch. We have no high fructose corn syrup, no trans fat and no processed food”. I think that her words are very important because she wants to alert the young people to eat correctly
n05 024

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