Thursday, January 21, 2010

Assignment ONE

Welcome to the 'Food and Health' blog! This may be a new experience for you, so you will need to remember a few rules:
1) This is a public site, so everything you write will be seen by everyone else.
2) The official language is English, but if you are REALLY having trouble, you can write in Italian. Try not to do it if at all possible...
3) Have Fun! Even learning English can be fun if you have the right attitude!

So, on to your first assignment...

As you may have noticed, there is a "Clusty Cloud" at the top of our blog. This is a service provided by a search engine that I find to be very useful, . I think it is better than Google in some ways, because it puts the search results into categories so that you waste less time looking at things that do not interest you.
Your assignment is to click on one or more of the words in the "Clusty Cloud" and take a look at the search results. Then, choose a category on the left, and start exploring the sites. Choose an article, read it, and of course, after that, you have to write to me and tell me about what you have found.
I am looking forward to your comments!

In addition, you will need to do some listening practice for the final exam. Click on the link below, scroll down to find three listening categories: easy, medium and difficult. We will start with an easy listening activity. It is called "Heavenly Pies Restaurant". Click on the name and then play the audio. There are some questions to answer further down the page. If you don't understand what they are saying, you can click on the words "quiz script" and listen again while you read. This site is an EXCELLENT place to practice listening, and your final exam will have a listening part, so you would do well to come back and listen to some others as well... If you do, please write and tell me about it!

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