Monday, June 25, 2007

Assignment 4

This week, I would like you to go to the English file page (by clicking on the link on the right side of this page) and choose a vocabulary activity from the list. Remember, try to choose something we have already studied! When you have finished, write to me and tell me what you have done. I think you will find that the activities can be addictive once you get started!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Assignment 3 - Winning the Prize

Dear Students,
As you all know, our goal in this class is to help you all to pass an internationally recognized exam. Sometimes there are some really strange writing assignments, so that's what we are going to do this week.
The title of your writing assignment is "Winning the prize". That's it. No more information will be given. You have to make up a story to match the title, and it must contain about 100 words. Use your imagination, and send me your stories! I look forward to reading them and guessing whether they are true or not...

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