Thursday, July 23, 2009

Summertime activities

I want to say how proud I am of this particular group of students! You have all worked very hard to improve your English skills by completing all of the activities in this course. I hope that you will come back in September (I promise to post a precise date before long) and work toward a real international certificate (PET or First Certificate). Some of you may also be interested in the TOEFL exam, which is an American exam for people who would like to do a Master's Degree or a PhD abroad. Check out the links on this blog for more information.

I would also like to congratulate MONICA, who actually took the REAL PET exam and passed easily! Congratulations - you are an inspiration to me and to the other students, I am sure!

Now - if you want to do yourselves a favor, you can improve your listening skills easily this summer by going to a site called ESL LAB (click HERE to see it) where you can listen to and read some very useful conversations and recited texts. Start with the elementary level, and try to understand it without reading the script. If you don't understand most of it, it is a good idea to just listen and read along (to read, click on SCRIPT at the TOP of the page). There are also questions to answer! Do these exercises when and if you can, and you will be amazed at how much you improve!

Have a GREAT summer, and check back here in early September to see when the courses start.
All good things,
Dianna Pickens

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


ULTIMI ESAMI giovedì 23 luglio, ore 9:30-12:00
registrazione ore 13-14:00

hanno già superato l'esame:
Cortini Fabio 084/039
Del Pizzo Anna 084/043
Esposito Monica 084/042
Farina Federica 084/041
Fasulo Teresa 084/033
Genovino Maria 084/036
Marrazzo Raffaella 084/037
Petraglia Felicia 084/049

Borriello Mariolina 164/139
Cirella Angela 164/158
Imperato Marilisa 164/147
Nocerino Davide 164/135
Olivero Annalisa 164/093
Palmieri Maria 164/173
Perna Marzia 164/084

Manfredonia Francesca N05/009
Napolitano Manuela N05/113

Imperato Pasquale 03/76024

La registrazione si terrà nell'aula inglese di Mascabruno.

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