Monday, June 11, 2007

Assignment 3 - Winning the Prize

Dear Students,
As you all know, our goal in this class is to help you all to pass an internationally recognized exam. Sometimes there are some really strange writing assignments, so that's what we are going to do this week.
The title of your writing assignment is "Winning the prize". That's it. No more information will be given. You have to make up a story to match the title, and it must contain about 100 words. Use your imagination, and send me your stories! I look forward to reading them and guessing whether they are true or not...


DP said...

A man is driving down a country road, when he spots a farmer standing in the middle of a huge field of grass. He pulls the car over to the side of the road and notices that the farmer is just standing there, doing nothing, looking at nothing.
The man gets out of the car, walks all the way out to the farmer and asks him, "Ah excuse me mister, but what are you doing?".
"I'm trying to win a Nobel Prize."
"Well, I heard they give the Nobel Prize . . . to people who are out standing in their field."

silvestra said...

The last summer I and roberta we decided to pass the vacations entirety, therefore went in a village in Spain. In this village there were the entertainers who organized games, contests, dances of group. A day the entertainers organized one gratis contest with the bicycles putting in racing silk a stay for two persons to Capri! The game consisted in making a distance to obstacles and who arrived to the goal in minor the time was the winner! One of ours hobby is to ride bicycle, in fact we go nearly every day because by now for we it has become a habit and a way in order to unload the tension of the day. Many persons participated to this game, but we were a lot trained and so we will succeed to arrive for first to the goal. We were many contents and satisfied of to have gained the prize above all because we extended our vacation for an other weekend!
Silvestra and Roberta

Anonymous said...

I have won a beautiful prize really last month. I have two little nephews to which I usually buy the diapers "Pampers".So I have partecipated in the contest announced by the Pampers group and I have won...a beautiful car!!It has been the first time that I have won such a prestigious price in fact, now, when I see it I don't believe that I have been so lucky!!I have never believed in these contests but after this unexpected win, I have decidedly changed my idea in fact,from now, I think I will partecipate in all the contests...

maria said...

Sara is a woman very rich. She had a past very difficult. She was the daughter of parents very poor. Her father hadn't a work and her mother had a very important desease. She hadn't a food and toys. When she had twelve years her mother died. A day her father found of the road of street a ticket. This ticket was a price for 5.000.000 Euro. Sara was only child and she inherted every moneys. She was and is very happy. Now, Sara is married with a Jhon. Jhon is a teacher of English and they have 5 children. Sara is happy because her children have every things that she hadn't and desired.
Maria e Matilde

Annalisa said...

Last summer I spent my holiday in London. I stayed in a village where everyday animators organized the teamgames.My favourite sport is the tennis, in my city I play tennis two evenings a week. So I and my friend decided to partecipate to the match, where ours competitors were indian boys. There were five matchs which we won four matchs. At the and there was the proclamation of the couple winner. the price for me and my friend was another week to spent in the village and in this last week I met David a pretty indian boy. Next july I and David will married and this day will one of the best days of my life.
Annalisa e Nunzia .

Simone said...
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Simone said...

This story talks about Olive, a little girl with a dream: winning the Little Miss Sunshine contest. Her family wants her dream to come true. This beauty contest takes places in California, so she moves with all her strange family for a long trip across the States. During the trip they have to win several adversities such as the breach of their old Volkswagen and the death of the grandfather. At the end they luckily manage to catch up the contest, but the poor Olive gets disqualified because she performs a striptease as her exhibition in a contest for children.

DP said...

Vincenzo - Great story, but why do I get the idea I've read it before?
Silvestra and Roberta - "I and roberta we decided to pass the vacations entirety" should be: Roberta and I decided to spend the whole vacation (together?) so we went to Spain.
"dances of group" = group dances
"one gratis contest with the bicycles putting in racing silk"= (I have no idea - please help me with this one!)
"in minor the time " = first, the fastest,
participated IN
See me for some other corrections
Malanie - Remember the rules about the simple past vs. the present perfect: you cannot use the present perfect "have won" with "last month", remember? If you specify a time in the past, you must use the simple past tense. Try to correct your paragraph yourself and show it to me in class, please.
Maria and Matilde - "a woman very rich" should be "a very rich woman." We need to work on your word order: correct all of your adjectives, Subject-Verb-Object combinations, and and show them to me in class, please.
Annalisa and Nunzia - I and my friend should be My friend and I
matches NOT matchs
"was a price for" = cost
"the couple winner" - the winning couple
"will married should be "will marry" or "will be married"
Simone and Marianna - "have to win several adversities" = have to overcome some obstacles
breach - do you mean breakdown?
"catch up the contest" = get to the contest
Good work, in general - but we still need to improve! See you in class!

Stefano said...

There was a time a family with a life of hardship that dreamed to live better without poverty and war. Their life should be improved because nobody deserves to live in this way without know how keeping body and soul together.
Turning point is a night of September: some their friends are leaving the hut village directed to Italy. The Our seize this opportunity and go with them.
After three years, Parents have got a job and are peaceful while children can go to school with shoes and clear clothes.
That night of September was watershed between life and death!

ciro said...

The last summer I was in vacation in a small Puglia's town, Otranto. On the beach there were often plays and sports several, between which a tournament of beachvolley. Me and my girlfriend decided to participate at the beginnig even if only for fun. The other participants were much good, but although that we arrived in final match. The final was much fascinating and fought and to the end, after a difficult contest, we lost for 3 set to 2. It's true, we didn't win a prize, but to arrive in final macth was a great result and is equivalent to a prize.

alessandro said...

I am a great fan of football, therefore we I decided to participate to a mini-league. Initially we began to play for fun, even if we knew strongly of having a team that it could have gained the league. Unfortunately we lost the first match and ours moral it was a little low, but already from the second match we won. Therefore, match after macth, we catched up the victory of the league, and still, when I see again the coup, I am touched myself for our splendid Victoria.

DP said...

Let's take a look at these last few stories and discuss them in class. I'll see you there.

elisabetta said...

July lives in Australia but she is italian she went to Australia when she was 2 years old, now she is 25 years old. She loves Iltaly expecially Naples!
She is a maid so she doesn’t have a lot of money, so she decided to play in a casino to hope winner a lot of money …and go to Naples!!!!
Suddenly, after 3 mounth when she lose the hopen she read in a journal there is a competition where she can win 100.000 € and she must do a big dredge in 6 mounth!
She called their friends and they accepted that she proposed.
The jorney to delivery dredge was 25 march 2007…. They won!!!
Now she and their friend are in Italy and they live in Naples!!!!

Elisabetta and Monica

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