Monday, May 14, 2007

Assignment 2: Explore the Clusty Cloud!

As you may have noticed, I have added a "Clusty Cloud" to our blog. This is a service provided by a search engine that I find to be very useful, I think it is better than Google in some ways, because it puts the search results into categories so that you waste less time looking at things that do not interest you.
Your assignment is to click on one or more of the words in the "Clusty Cloud" and take a look at the search results. Then, choose a category on the left, and start exploring the sites. Of course, after that, you have to write to me and tell me about what you have found.
I am looking forward to your comments!


marianna said...

Dear teacher,
I found this article:Kashi Company Introduces 7 Whole Grain Granola.
The kashi company produces healthy food consisting of cereals and recently it put on the market a new product: Kashi Granola, a breakfast and snack food. The recipe of Granola is with nuts, dried fruit and a mix of seven cereals;the mixture is baked until crispy. This is Kashi's first granola cereal. The kashi company produces low fat food, without using preservative, additivies or highly refined sugars.
It appears clear the target of consumers: people who cares about their health and fitness, without a taste loss.
I think this new food is very good because in this period fitness and natural food make fashion.

Simone said...

Dear Mrs Pickens
During my netsurf, my attention was attracted by a marvellous claim: Discover the Mysterious of Fat Burning Power of this Chinese slimming secret ! well, it sounds too good to be true. It reminded me of a sentence in a well known TV-Serie: Discover the mysteries of Westeria Lane in Desperate Housewives, so I entered into this site… and I found the so called ELIXIR of LIFE … the original WU LONG – a Chinese slimming tea, also sponsored by Oprah Winfrey. Since from the slogan it appears the promotional attempt of the website, where you can buy something for an ipotetic easy weight loss and many other benefical effects. The website talks about several scientific studies that should guarantee the positive effects of this tea, but it doesn’t mention anything about those tests. Well, I don’t approve when someone wants to take advantage of your faith when it’s about health, especially in this period of the year, because it’s summer and people want to look attractive for the swimsuit-test. My suggestion is: PAY ATTENTION, BE CAREFUL when it’s about your health!

elisabetta said...

Hi teacher,
I read this article:Vitamin D 'can lower cancer risk'.It is an article important because tell about the cancer,a problem that all days the tv tell about it!In the article, researchers explain that vitamin D is produced in the skin after exposure to sunlight,and it can reduce the chances of developing breast, ovarian and colon cancer, and others.They suggest that in the absence of sunshine, a beneficial level of vitamin D could be obtained to eat oily fish, margarine and meat.
I think that all the people must eat a quality food not only good food!

roberta said...

Hi teacher
My attention has been attracted by this article:"Red palm oil: a health food", because it represents a news for me.
I didn't knew that exists this variant of palm oil. In fact, while palm oil is derived from kernel, red oil is produced from reddish fruit. Furthermore, palm oil has been investigated for his satured fatty acids content, and other negative nutritional properties. Conversely, red palm oil seems to have a more healtier composition that could provide several health benefits.In facts, it's caracterized from the high content in mono-unsatured fatty acids, like olive oil. Furthermore, red palm oil is the richest natural plant source of carotenoids in terms of provitamin A, that are also responsible for red palm oil's colour. Red palm oil is the only oil that contains natural carotenoids. It's well known that carotenoids, in particular beta-carotene, are powerful anti-oxidants that protect against free radical damage or oxidation, believed to be responsible for numerous degenerative diseases, including cancer. This oil is also an important source of another powerful anti-oxidant, vitamin E. Studies conducted on humans and animals show that the tocotrienols in red palm vitamin E clear fat deposits in artery walls, lower blood cholesterol and LDL, inhibit promotion and growth of cancer cells, etc. We can conclude that, red palm oil represents an excellent alternative fortificant for addressing vitamin A deficiency and could be used as an healtier dressing fat.

Vincenzo said...

Dear Teacher I found an article about Glutathione. Infact the glutathione plays an important role in the development and growth of the fetus, maintenance of a healthy pregnancy and infertility and conception. Glutathione helps to rigenerate stores of other antioxidants like vitamin C and E. It also protects both mother and fetus from the demaging effect of free radicals and oxidative stress. The role of glutathione in the development of the fetus and placenta is crucial because it can control cell differentiation, proliferation and cell death essential functions in the developing embryo. The human placenta possesses a significant amount of glutathione S. transferase (GST) capable of detoxification or activation of drugs and pharmaceuticals during the critical period of organ development in the fetus. All this is important for a healther pregnancy so reducing disease's risk at birth.

maria said...

Hi teacher!
I have chosen this article: Red Sudan because I like red pepper. Red Sudan is a dye. It is used in the leather industries and fabric industries. Its use is prohibited in the alimentary field. However in May of 2003 the Euopean Authority reported finding Sudan I in ground capsicums produced in India. Since 2003, other cases of Sudan I are checked. The reason of this adulteration is that the dye Sudan I appears to improve the color of capsicum products. But, the International Agency for Reaserch on Cancer (IARC) has assesed the Sudan dyes as Group 3 genotoxic carcinogens. In response to the adulteration, in the January of 2004 the European Union has required as a condition of import that all hot hot chilli and hot chilli products be tested for Sudan I. At the time, the European Union has stabilisched that the limit of detenction for dyes Sudan I and other similar dyes is in the range of 0.5 and 1 milligramms per Kilogrammo.
Our health is costantly at risck, without we know the danger...

maria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Annalisa said...

Hi teacher,
I read this article: Vitamin E(Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet). It describes the Vitamin’s E role.
Vitamin E, a fat-soluble vitamin, is an antioxidant vitamin involved in the metabolism of all cells. It protects vitamin A and essential fatty acids from oxidation in the cells. The U.S. RDA for vitamin E is 15 milligrams alpha-tocopherol equivalents per day for both men and women ages 19 and older.Alpha-tocopherol is a form of vitamin E that is easily converted by the body to vitamin E. Healthy individuals who eat a balanced diet rarely need supplements Since vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, people on low-fat diets can have trouble getting enough of the vitamin. Vitamin E can be lost from foods during preparation, cooking, or storage.Most ready-to-eat cereals are fortified with vitamin E. Fortified ready-to-eat cereals usually contain at least 40% of the U.S. RDA for vitamin E. There are a variety of dietary sources of vitamin E including vegetable oils, nuts, green leafy vegetables and many other fortified foods. Each of these foods contains a different amount of vitamin E and if consumed in modest amount they can provide the daily allowance necessary for the body to function on a day to day basis. Generally Americans consume two-thirds of their vitamin E intake from salad oils, shortenings, and margarines. Eleven percent is from fruits and vegetables and the other 7 percent is from grains and grain products. I think that this article provides basic information on vitamin E and the controversies that surround the use of vitamin E for treatment and prevention of diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Pickens
While I was giving a look to the web site my attention was attracted by an article that talks about food irradiation.Food irradiation is being promoted as the answer to the growing problem of food poisoning and as a mean to extend food shelflife. Neverthless when food is exposed to high doses of iosoning radiation, the chemical and the nutritional contents of food can change in fact it can cause loss of vitamin E and vitamin C.Food irradiation does not inactive dangerous toxins and can cause mutations in bacteria and viruses.
I think that food irradiation represents an increasing problem in the western world because it is trying to preserve the foods in numerous ways losing sight the main charateritics that the foods must have as the safety and the quality.

Nunzia said...

Dear teacher! Exploring the sites, I have found interesting this article: "Trans Fat Now Listed With Saturated Fat and Cholesterol on the Nutrition Facts Label".
In the last years, the interst is increased, for the consumer of healthy food, therefore it's important to know what is in processed food thanks to a corrected information in label. The majority of trans fat is formed when liquid oils are made into solid fats, a process called hydrogenation, that increases the shelf life and flavor stability of foods containing these fats. We can find it in some margarines, crackers, cookies, snack foods, and other foods made with or fried in partially hydrogenated oils.Scientific evidence shows that consumption of trans fats, raises LDL cholesterol and the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). The nutrition expert advise lower intake of trans and satureted fats, and they advise to prefer monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, that not raise LDL cholesterol and are beneficial when consumed in moderation. An advice that I want to give is to compare the nutrition labels of processed food, so that to choose the prodoct with lower intake trans and satureted fats!!!!

monica said...

Dear teacher,
I found a very interesting article in the web-site,
This article shows the relation between the AMD (age-related macular degeneration) and intake of omega-3 fatty acids.
AMD occurs when the macula, the area at the back of the retina that produces the sharpest vision,
deteriorates over time. It is the most common cause of blindness among the over-50s.
The researchers calculated that dietary omega-3 fatty acid intake was associated with about 40 per cent reduction in AMD.

DP said...

Wow - you really have found some interesting information! I wonder if any of you have adopted as a search engine - it really is more effective!
On the next assignment...

Mata said...

Dear teacher,
Iread this article becouse I think that is very interesting: Dietary Calcium Intake and Obesity.
Infact the obesity is increasing in the United States in epidemic proportions. Epidemiologic data suggest that people
with high calcium intake have a lower prevalence of overweight, obesity, and insulin resistance syndrome.
Studies in transgenic mice have demonstrated that calcium influences adipocyte metabolism.
High calcium intake depresses levels of parathyroid hormone and 1,25-hydroxy vitamin D. These decreased
hormone levels cause decreases in intracellular calcium, thereby inhibiting lipogenesis and
stimulating lipolysis. High dietary calcium intakes also increases excretion of fecal fat and may increase
core body temperature. Calcium from dairy products seems to have more of an impact than calcium
from dietary supplements. Primary care providers should include recommendations about adequate
calcium intake in standard dietary counseling about weight management

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